About us

Who are we ?

Techstar Computers. We offer fast delivery, excellent service, extra low prices, quality products, convenience and a money back guarantee.
Order on-line, via email or fax or call one of the friendly team who are always there ready to take your call or offer advice.

  • No Account? No Problem!
    Simply call us and we will take the necessary details & authorise an account for you instantly.
  • Order Online Today
    Place an order with ease using our on-line shopping basket.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
    All products offered for sale by Techstar Computers are fully guaranteed, so if you are unhappy with the product, just let us know within 7 days of purchase and we will happily give you a full credit refund.
    Pricing Policy: Generally prices will be constant, however we reserve the right to adjust prices without notice if required.

Phone: 09 5799216 / 5799266 Fax: 09 5799276
Email: sales@techstarnz.com